Saturday, May 30, 2009


Kind of like "Got Milk?" Get's your attention, doesn't it? of hands, how many of you having taking the plunge, produced the velvet box containing what is supposed to be the equivalent to "three months salary" according to the shiny object jewelry gurus? (Not sure why becoming behind on a condo payment is the best way to kick off the first step of togetherness, but hey.)

Ladies have the wedding stuff down to a science. Hair, makeup, nails, dresses, you name it - they have the plan. They go off in a cluster on wedding day to get stunning, and the guys are usually left to hold there own for the most part. Which generally means (if possible) a quick nine holes of golf, a burger, and a quick trip to the bathroom at your parents to shower and throw some DEP hair gel on your head before getting dressed in a strangely musty smelling room that was once yours as a child.

Now, I have no objection whatsoever to the golf, we only have so much nice weather here, I get it. BUT - why not take all your groomsmen into Mister 312 for the morning, and do whatever you want? Yep, you can have the run of the joint. Just let us know who you are, how many of you, and what would make your life killer that morning (food, beverages, a mermaid, whatever) and come on in. You can just go from area to area and do what you want, and so can your friends. Have a massage, get your man hands done (grooms, there is ALWAYS a close up of your paws in the wedding album, that "overlapping" with the bride hands thing, keep this in mind) or just grab a hair cut and kick back - it's your day, have at it.

You can pick the music, pick the movies you want to watch, heck, we will even let you putt in the hallway into a cup. Very low stress way to start the day, and no DEP hair gel. You can still have the burger if you want, actually, even better than the burger, we can hook it up so that you have your lunch from Lawry's - awesome boxed lunches - you will be more than pleased. And full.

If you have done the deed, planned the date, and need a manly hang out, give us a call - we will do it up for you. Don't forget to bring your putter....

Peace and be well Chi - until next time.

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