Sunday, July 12, 2009

Happy Sunday Chi Town! Can you believe the weekend blew past so fast? Weather was GREAT - and hopefully will be next weekend too! River North Fest, River North Fest....who's going?

Mister 312 will be there, so you have to come by to visit us. If not, we may get bored and start getting ourselves into trouble. I am sure we could find some, right? I am just hoping someone has cotton candy, I have issues, I like it. 100% pure sugar rush - love it!

If you have yet to hear the scoop, ladies, call Mister 312 for an appointment for a great massage or facial - we have a special price of $40 for either one - or indulge, get them both! Take your man with you and let him get some stuff done while you are relaxing, after, go out to eat! Perfect scenario! It would be a great gift for a friend too, so buy before the price goes up - I am the queen of thrift these days.

If you are going to the Air and Water show in August, be SURE to stop for some really good stuff at the new Freshii that just opened in Water Tower. They have outdoor seating! At the Water Tower! I am pretty impressed - that had to be quite the negotiation, but it's there, I would know, I stalk them. Just kidding. Good food, good prices, healthy and tons of options - try it! AMAZING.

Now, if I can just remember that the Air and Water show is in August.... I have a tendency to forget and when they practice, I almost dive under my couch every year. Scares the crap out of me....Grand opening of Mister 312 is only a short time away, if you still want to score and invite, send me a post, when we are full, we are FULL. So give me a great reason to invite you. Make it good and keep it clean people, amuse me, I need it!

Have a great week, peace and health Chicago!

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